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Sisyphus and the Curse of Working Hard

In greek mythology, Sysiphus was a king who was renowned for being crafty and shrewd.

On one occasion, in his craftiness, he revealed one of Zeus’s secrets – a greek god – who retaliated by punishing him. Zeus cursed him to incessantly push a heavy rock up a hill, only for it to roll back down when it gets to the top.

Image result for sisyphus

This story reminds me of how intellect, craftiness and cleverness, particularly among entrepreneurs, often results in long hours of hard work and sleepless nights.

But I wonder whether it is the hard work that makes things better. Maybe there’s a difference between hard work and difficult work.

Hard work is digging a hole all day. Difficult work is figuring out how to dig the hole and ensuring that it is done. But therein lies a subtle difference. You do not have to be the one digging the hole.

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